I have been thinking this morning about influence. Because of the way I have been wired and created, I tend to view things from a pretty large perspective. I think about the big pictures of life, and all of the ways the world around me needs to be changed. I want to make a huge impact for the Kingdom. The problem is, I am a pretty small rock. I have not been given a very large platform from which to function. Some of that has to do with my personality, but much of it simply has to do with the circumstances of life into which I have been delivered.
All of this means I have a choice to make. Am I going to focus and worry and agonize over all of those larger issues I see that need to be changed, fixed, modified, stopped?! Or am I going to make a decision to do what I can, where I can, with every ounce of energy I have? Am I willing to take the small rock that I am, and make the biggest splash I can, in the arena into which I have been placed, and then let my small influence ripple out as far as it possibly can go?
Will I be faithful with what I have been given right in front of me - no matter how big or small it may be?
As the writers of Scripture would say....
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