As that story unfolds, Zechariah is rendered speachless for the duration of Elizabeth's pregnancy. When the boy (John the Baptis) is finally born and welcomed into the Lord's covenant, Zechariah confirms his name is John. In that moment, we read, "Instantly Zechariah could speak again, and he began praising God."
On the surface it might seem like Zechariah was just full of praise because he could speak again, and while that may have been his initial burst of praise, we see from what he says (Luke 1:67ff) that this is more than just relief he can talk.
Can you imagine everything that got bottled up during that nine months of waiting that isn't recorded?
"I can talk! Praise the LORD!"
"Elizabeth, you're a mom! I love you so much! Praise the LORD!"
"I have a son! His name is John! Praise the LORD!"
"God's promises are true! He fulfills His word! Praise the LORD!"
Nine months of bottled up praise come pouring out of Zechariah.
This nine months of anticipation is the essence of Advent. Expectant waiting, filled with hope, that will eventually result in an opportunity to let loose with praise - for our Promise has come!
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