Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lenten Relationship

As I read through several texts today, I was struck by God's great desire for relationship with us. He doesn't want sacrifice or discipline just for their sake alone. His desire is that through sacrifice and discipline we would continue to engage in authentic relationship with Him (read Psalm 50 as an example).

During this season of Lent I typically engage in various spiritual disciplines, including writing in this blog. But I wonder, is my relationship more with these disciplines, or do they drive me deeper into relationship with the One who invites me to the disciplines? I realize there are times when we just muscle our way through the spiritual disciplines, after all, that's why they are called disciplines! But I hope I never forget that these are simply tools that the Spirit can use in my life to help me relate to the Lord of all life.

Lord, thank you for using the disciplines of Lent to help me live in covenant relationship with You.

Lenten Blessings

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