Sunday, December 7, 2014


So yesterday I didn't post an Advent blog because I ended up at the hospital with a dear friend.  Her husband died rather unexpectedly early in the morning and we were starting the journey of grief together.  As a result, I just didn't think about posting.

But this morning as I opened my Bible to today's lectionary texts, I was greeted by these words...

"'Comfort, comfort my people!' says your God." (Isaiah 40:1 CEB)

Having walked through this experience with countless families now, including my own, I am so thankful that one of the reminders of Advent is that Jesus is our greatest source of comfort!

1 comment:

Renae said...

Awesomeness. . . in action. Comfort has come over and over. So much comfort. Thank you Pastor Steve. God has been so very amazing.