Monday, December 22, 2014

Light Dawns

Yesterday I preached from Isaiah 9:1-7.  One of the things I didn't take too much time to highlight was a phrase in verse 2.  "For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine." (NLT)

What I discovered when I looked into the original language of that phrase is that Isaiah uses the same word that David uses in Psalm 23 - the land of "the shadow of death."

For those who are living in the land of the shadow of death, light will dawn.

Allow me to simlpy use my strength of Connectedness (from Strengthsfinder) to go from dot to dot.

I led my 15th funeral in 2014 yesterday afternoon.


It has been raining almost non-stop here for weeks.  (For which I am grateful!)


That means we haven't seen the sun in weeks.


The sun came out today!


Light is dawning.  


Hope is coming!


Death and despair don't get the final word!


Thanks be to God, for those who are living in the land of the shadow of death, light is dawning!

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

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